About Me

I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland College Park, advised by Prof. Zaoxing Liu. Before joining UMD, I received my B.S. from Peking University, advised by Tong Yang.

I am currently interested in the field of network and database system research. My specialty is streaming large data processing, using robust algorithms and delicate data structures to make network and data systems perform more efficiently. Before starting my Ph.D., I worked on network sketch-based measurement and analysis, data stream processing algorithms at Peking University.


Yinda Zhang, Peiqing Chen. Zaoxing Liu. OctoSketch: Enabling Real-Time, Continuous Network Monitoring over Multiple Cores. to appear in USENIX NSDI 2024

Peiqing Chen, Dong Chen, Lingxiao Zheng, Jizhou Li, Tong Yang. Out of ManyWe are One: Measuring Item Batch with Clock-Sketch. ACM SIGMOD 2021 link

Peiqing Chen, Yuhan Wu*, Tong Yang, Junchen Jiang, Zaoxing Liu. Precise Error Estimation for Sketch-based Flow Measurement. ACM IMC 2021 link

Design Project

PKU Ranking, Peiqing Chen, Zikun Li, Yuquan Gao. Instructor: Kaigui Bian


Peiqing Chen Resume